Passive House Institute - Cold Temperate Climate - certified component

Passive House Institute – Cold Temperate Climate – certified component

Announcing TekTherm™ AK300HT as the latest Structural Thermal Break to be tested and certified by the Passive House Institute

We are enormously proud that our TekTherm™ AK300HT Structural Thermal Breaks have been tested and certified by the Passive House Institute. This reinforces the quality of our material and also the importance that Thermal Breaks play tackling heat loss, risk of mould and structural damage.

Passive Houses place high demands on the quality of the components used. In addition to excellent thermal insulation, high airtightness, highly efficient ventilation heat recovery and passive house windows, the avoidance or reduction of thermal bridges is of outstanding importance for the functionality of the passive house. In order to define a reliable quality at this point, the Passive House Institute awards the quality seal “Certified Passive House Component – Balcony connections


Passive House Balcony connection 3D Modelling

Passive House Balcony connection 3D Model

Passive House Balcony connection 3D Model

A three-dimensional model is modelled for the simulation. This is integrated into the reference situation according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Passive House Balcony connection – 3D Thermal ModellingA HEA 140 steel beam is chosen as a reference situation. Smaller column diameters result in lower thermal bridge loss coefficients. In addition to the thermal separator, a head plate and anchor bolts are also taken into account.A link to our certification can be found here TekTherm™ AK300HT Passive House Certified Component

Passive House Balcony connection 3D Thermal Modelling

Passive House Balcony connection 3D Thermal Modelling

About TekTherm™ AK300HT

TekTherm™ AK300HT has the highest level of compressive strength and thermal insulation of all available products and can meet demanding application specifications. TekTherm™ AK300HT has been independently tested and certified so specifiers and customers know they are buying a quality product. We can supply this in cut pads, strips or in any other shape within the parameters of the material.


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United KingdomTo learn more about our TekTherm™ AK300HT product please Contact us.